Easy Housebreaking Tips for Puppies

If you want your puppy to live indoors, an essential step is housebreaking. Training your puppy to relieve himself only outdoors can be frustrating for both of you, but following a few simple rules makes it easy. Remember that puppies need to use the bathroom about six times per day at regular intervals. Also, your puppy is still unable to "hold it," so it's your responsibility to make sure he gets outside in time.
  1. Signs

    • Watch for signs of your puppy needing to go outside. These include sniffing around on the floor, or turning in circles. When you see your puppy doing this, don't wait for him to begin urinating. Gently pick him up and take him outside. Most puppies will need to go outside soon after eating and after waking from a nap. Puppies will also often urinate when excited. So if the puppy will be meeting a new person, take him outside.


    • Establish a routine with your puppy. Take him to the same area outside each time. He will begin to understand that he is supposed to urinate in that spot. As part of the routine, teach him a word or phrase that he will connect with using the bathroom, such as "go potty" or "go on," whatever feels comfortable for you and works for him.


    • If your puppy has an accident in the house, clean the area thoroughly. When puppies smell urine or feces in a spot, they learn that it's acceptable to relieve themselves there. Eliminating all waste odors in your house will help you to avoid confusing your puppy.


    • When your puppy uses the bathroom outside, praise him. You can do this verbally, with words like "good boy" in an excited tone. You can also give him a small food treat after he uses the bathroom. Your puppy wants to please you, so giving him lots of praise will help him want to use the bathroom correctly next time, and every time.


    • Many people believe that when they find an accident in their home, they should take their puppy to it, show it to him and punish them. But all that does is confuse the puppy. Do not punish him unless you catch him in the act of urinating or defecating indoors. Then simply tell him "no" sternly and immediately pick him up and take him outside. If you find the accident even moments after he's already done it, just clean it up completely, and remember to take him out more frequently.


    • Be patient with your puppy. It isn't easy for him to hold his urine or feces, so accidents will happen. Most puppies will learn to use the bathroom outside with time and consistent, patient, positive reinforcement from you. Work with him often and be consistent at all times.