Free Online Training Tips for German Shepherds

When you get a new puppy, excitement and anticipation rule the day. Any new puppy comes with a range of responsibilities, though, which include taking care of the puppy's health, safety and happiness. A very important aspect of puppy health and happiness is training. German shepherds are exceptionally smart dogs, so training usually requires simple consistency for success.
  1. Start Young

    • Start training when the dog is young and new. This is especially true for large dogs like German shepherds. Although they'll always be intelligent, willing and loyal, mature German shepherds can stand up to 26 inches tall and weigh over 100 lbs. The dogs are inevitably easier to handle when they are younger and smaller. Dogs generally learn faster when they're young, as well.

    Crate Training

    • Give any German shepherd puppy a crate to use as its den. Put blankets and toys in the crate and make it a refuge for the puppy. Put the puppy in its crate during down time, and feed the puppy treats in order to teach it that the crate is a positive place rather than punishment. Use the crate to teach the German shepherd to sleep on its own, and to wait in a controlled place when you're way. Also use the crate to control a German shepherd puppy when you're not able to supervise, to aid in house training.

    Treats and Positivity

    • When you're getting ready to train a German shepherd, make sure that you have plenty of treats on hand. Puppies respond to positive reinforcement more effectively than anything else, and praise combined with food is a powerful motivator. This is especially true of German shepherds, who seek to please their masters above all else. Use treats and praise to tell a German shepherd puppy that it's done the right thing when it goes to the bathroom outside or goes into its crate with no complaint. Use treats to help train the puppy to sit, lay down and come when called. The positive reinforcement will encourage the puppy to repeat these good behaviors again and again.