Tips on Housebreaking a Pomeranian Puppy

Pomeranians are a smaller dog breed that are known for their thick coat, intelligence and spunky personality. Pomeranians can be a stubborn breed, especially younger dogs, which can make training them challenging at times. House-training is especially difficult since Pomeranians have small bladders. The dogs, especially as puppies, cannot hold their need to urinate as long as some other breeds. However, there are ways of making the Pomeranian housebreaking process less stressful for the dog and owner.
  1. Set a Routine

    • Take your Pomeranian puppy out to use the bathroom at set times each day. While some breeds can hold for six hours or more, Pomeranians should be taken out every four hours during the housebreaking process due to smaller bladders. Keep the times consistent. Likewise, feeding times need to be the same each day so the puppy's digestive system can get a cycle going that will make the housebreaking process easier.

    Use Praise and Rewards

    • Pomeranians are active and social dogs that will be eager for your approval. When your Pomeranian puppy urinates or defecates outside, praise her incessantly for several minutes and give her a treat. Likewise, avoid any large emotional outbursts when you find dog urine inside because the puppy may misunderstand and not associate the act of urinating inside with the reaction or may see the reaction as a desirable response. Calmly clean up the mess, take the puppy outside, and then praise her more when she goes outside.

    Set a Specific Place Outside

    • When you take your Pomeranian outside, take her to the same place each time when you want her to urinate or defecate. Avoid playing with her in this area because you want to establish that spot as her bathroom location. Playing in that area can confuse her. Never punish the puppy in that area either. Take her there to go to the bathroom and calmly wait off to the side until she abides. Take her to another part of the yard to play after giving her praise and a treat.