Cesar Mulin Puppy Potty Training Tips

Cesar Millan is a famous dog trainer who stars in his own show, The Dog Whisperer, and has a line of dog products. Millan has become famous for his unique and sometimes controversial dog training methods. Millan often demonstrates how dog owners can utilize his training techniques on their own. Millan has many tips for those who are trying to potty train a new puppy.
  1. Consistency

    • When potty training begins, it's important that the owner start a routine and continue it until the puppy is completely potty trained. It's easy to get lazy or make exceptions when you don't feel like going through with the routine you've set, but it's important to stick to it. The more you stick to a specific schedule, the faster your puppy will be able to adapt to it and learn potty training.

    Keeping Puppies Controlled Inside

    • Some dog owners leave their dogs alone inside the house with puppy pads. Puppy pads or pee pads are absorbent cloths that dogs can pee on without causing a mess. The problem with this, though, is it gives the dog mixed signals. If you aren't going to be at home, Millan suggests putting your dog in a crate. A puppy is less likely to pee in a small, enclosed space. This technique reinforces to the dog that outside is the only acceptable place to go potty.

    Proper Scheduling

    • A dog owner needs to be mindful of giving a puppy enough potty breaks throughout the day. As soon as a dog owner wakes up in the morning, it's time to take the dog out. Right after a meal, after a nap, and after a long play session are other times that Millan suggests taking the dog out for a potty break.


    • Potty training can be a stressful time, because many owners expect their dog to catch on immediately. Dog owners must have patience and remain calm. If a dog owner catches their dog while they are in the act, they should carry their dog outside immediately.


    • Dog owners have to be diligent about cleaning up accidents as soon as they happen. A puppy should not learn to associate the smell of their urine with your home. That sends them the message that it's okay to pee inside. Strong odor eliminating products must be used to clean up accidents.