How to Train My Pit Bull Dog to Do Tricks

Pit bulls are energetic dogs that love to tug and fetch. Working with their instincts is the best way to train a pit bull while also challenging them. Pit bulls have a reputation for being aggressive and it is important that they be trained well and correctly.

Things You'll Need

  • Toys
  • Treats
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  1. Training

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      Find your pit bull's motivation. It may be a favorite toy, a favorite treat or praise from you. Use this motivational tool to train your dog until he learns the command you are giving him and will do it automatically without getting a treat or toy.

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      Use the motivational tool to get him to do what you want him to do. If teaching him to sit you should take him off of his leash and tell him to sit.

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      Give him the toy or praise that he loves immediately after he sits down. Pit bulls love affection and will learn quickly what it takes to get the praise they crave.

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      Repeat this step 10 times. After the 10th time, simply hold the prize in the air and your dog most likely will sit without you saying a word. This is called positive training and will work for teaching your pit bull most tricks and commands.

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      Tease him with his favorite toy or treat. Hold it up in the air and tease and play with it a bit until he barks.

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      As soon as the dog barks, give him the prize and tell him, "good boy".

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      Add a simple word or hand gesture. Hold the prize underneath of your chin while saying the chosen word or gesture. The gesture can be something as simple as blinking your eyes twice, just be sure to move the prize by your face and instead of shaking the prize, you simply blink. After some practice, your dog will begin to associate the gesture or word with the prize he gets from speaking.

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      Exercise your dog as much as possible. The PitBullLovers website states that taking your dog for long walks twice a day can curb unwanted behavioral problems.