Electric Shock Collars for Dog Training

Your dog needs training to build respect for you as his owner, to learn what behavior is not acceptable and to secure his safety. Traditional dog training methods are usually effective in achieving all of this, but some pets may need more extensive training to correct unacceptable behavior. Electric shock collars are an option for owners that have unruly dogs and dogs that are not responding to traditional training methods.
  1. Description

    • Most electric shock collars resemble regular dog collars with the exception of a small box attached. The box is where the static charge is emitted. The collar comes with a remote that you control. Whenever you want your dog to stop doing a particular behavior, you press the button on the remote, which sends a small static shock to your dog. Most collars have adjustable shock levels. If your dog does not respond to the lowest level, you can increase the intensity until he responds favorably. On the lowest level, the shock your dog feels is similar to the static charge felt when you touch an object after walking on carpet. The higher levels are described as a feeling of strong vibration or a bee sting.


    • The are two types of collars. One comes with a remote, while the other comes with an electric fence. The remote type is used for direct training. For instance, if your dog raids the trash often, press the remote to send a shock to him whenever he goes near the trash. The collar and electric fence combination is used to keep your dog from traveling outside of a certain area. An electric fencing system is placed in the ground around the area you want your dog to stay in. If your dog tries to leave the designated area, the invisible fence sends a shock to his collar.


    • There are several advantages to using an electric shock collar. Some dogs are prone to chasing small animals, such as squirrels or rabbits, when outdoors. Typically, hunting dogs, such as beagles and Jack Russell terriers, are prone to this behavior. Using an electric shock collar can stop your dog from running out of the yard or veering into the street. Also, the collar can help you correct other unacceptable behaviors, such as tearing up garbage, barking excessively and showing aggression toward other dogs or people.


    • Some animal advocates suggest that shocking a dog in response to behavior can cause him to show aggression toward people and other dogs. Caroline Kisko, Wales Kennel Club secretary, says, "If the shock is delivered by the owner, it can lead to a breakdown in the relationship between the dog and the owner because the person the dog trusts is giving him an electric shock." She believes that a dog may not understand what caused the shock. He may associate it with another person or dog walking by and attack.


    • In March 2010, Wales outlawed the use of electric shock collars, becoming the first part of the United Kingdom to do so. The new law has sparked a debate between animal rescue groups and dog trainers. The RSPCA, a British animal welfare charity, believes that electronic shock collars are inhumane and cause unnecessary pain and suffering for pets. Dog training specialist Charles Walls disagrees, however. He insists that in the right hands, electronic shock collars can save a dog's life. Also, Duncan McNair, a spokesman for the Electronic Collar Manufacturers Association, believes that more dogs will die or be euthanized as a result of the ban. Research in regard to pros and cons has been commissioned by the Department for Environmental and Rural Affairs in Britain.