Nevada State Laws Regarding Animal Control
The State of Nevada gives each county's board of commissioners (or, where appropriate, municipal City Council) the authority to enforce ordinances relating to animals living in that county. Each county commission or municipality has the authority and responsibility to appoint an individual or staff to coordinate animal control issues in that county, according to the laws and ordinances of that county. The animal control officers of each municipality or county investigate cases of barking dogs in their area and take the appropriate action, depending on the regulations in effect in their locality. Animal control officers may request backup from the local law enforcement agency when and if necessary to enforce local laws regarding barking dogs.
Las Vegas Animal Control Center
The Animal Control Center of Las Vegas holds responsibility for investigating, attempting to correct, and prosecuting, if necessary, instances of barking dogs in Las Vegas. Once an individual registers a complaint about a barking dog, the Las Vegas Animal Control officer will send a letter to the dog's owner. If the barking continues, the animal control officer will visit the dog's owners and reiterate the Las Vegas laws that forbid dog owners to allow their dog to disturb the peace of the neighborhood. A third complaint will result in a referral to the Clark County Neighborhood Justice Center for mediation between the dog's owner and the complainant. If these steps don't solve the problem, the City of Las Vegas will prosecute the dog's owner.
Nye County Animal Control
Animal Control of Nye County enforces the Nye County animal noise annoyance ordinances. These ordinances make it illegal for a dog owner to allow his dog to annoy his neighbors by permitting the dog to make noise. Residents of Nye County should contact the county animal control officer to register a complaint about a barking dog.
Animal Services of Douglas County
Animal Services of Douglas County empowers the animal control officer to take a barking dog into custody if the officer sees the dog barking. The animal control officer may enter private property to take the dog into custody, though he may not enter a house or building to take the dog. Douglas County residents may call the animal services section of Douglas County to file a complaint.
Washoe County Animal Control Center
Residents of Reno and Washoe County may register a complaint about a barking dog by calling the Reno Animal Control Center at 775-322-3647. Residents of Reno may also make an online report about a barking dog by submitting a "Disturbing the Peace" complaint form to the Reno Police Department.