How to Train Army Dogs

Military working-dog trainers are professional soldiers with years of experience handling the highly trained canine athletes the military uses as soldiers, sentries, scouts and protection. Chosen from the upper echelons of handlers, trainers are carefully selected and groomed to do their job.


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      Join the United States Army. All trainers are pulled from a pool of top K-9 handlers.

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      Request to be given the military police Military Occupational Specialty code. All handlers begin as military police.

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      Prove yourself as a ready and able military policeman. Your level of physical fitness must be stellar. Distinguish yourself in the classroom and on the field by working hard and earning top points and scores.

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      Volunteer to be a working-dog handler. You must attend training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas and handle a dog for at least three years. The more experience you have as a handler, the better chances you have at being selected as a trainer.

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      Request to be added to kennel staff as a trainer. You must have been a distinguished handler and must have recommendations from your commanding officer, veterinarian and instructors.