Information on Bark Collars

All varieties of bark collars work on the premise of conditioned response. When the dog barks, the collar does something unpleasant. Eventually the dog learns to mute his barking, or accept the consequence of the bark collar. The effectiveness of a bark collar depends on proper fitting of the training aid, following usage instructions provided with the collar and by working with the pet to identify when he shouldn't bark, according to Vet Info online.
  1. Types

    • Whether it emits a spray, tone or static correction, all types of bark collars strive to capture the dog's attention to ultimately distract him from barking. Citronella bark collars spray a fine mist of citronella liquid at the dog's nose when he barks. The pet doesn't like the sound or smell of citronella collars. Static correction collars, also known as shock collars, emit a low-grade vibration when the dog barks. Shock collars offer varying levels of controllable static shock. The lowest level feels like a tickle. Tone-based bark collars release a high-pitch squeal when the dog begins to bark.


    • When a dog barks, his vocal chords vibrate. This activates most bark collars. Some bark collars also offer a hand-held remote control, allowing the pet owner to administer the correction at the time of barking. This controllable feature allows owners to teach dogs specifically what not to bark at, such as birds in the yard, guests walking in an open door or other household pets. The use of manual correction must link directly to the negative pet behavior. Administering a manual correction too quickly, or too late, reduces the effectiveness of the bark collar training system.


    • Bark collars work to reduce several types of vocalization including barking for attention, out of frustration or when the dog warns his owner of something out of place, according to the Placerville Veterinary Clinic. Although bark collars appear beneficial, pet owners must accept the possibility of reduction in all barking. The pet may no longer bark when a stranger approaches the home, when it notices something out of place such as a fire in the home or when the pet sustains an injury.


    • Dogs with a barking problem will not have to wear a bark collar forever. The dog will learn within a few weeks to accept or reject the correction offered by the collar. When successfully trained, the dog will only require the collar for future periods of retraining to new stimuli. After a few weeks, some dogs curb their barking at the mere sight of the bark collar.


    • Dogs bark for a variety of reasons. Before purchasing a bark collar make sure the pet's health is sound. Boredom, illness or loneliness causes barking, according to the Doctors Foster and Smith website. The veterinarians recommend fixing the root cause of the barking before using a bark collar.