How to Train Pointing Dogs for Hunting

Pointers are well known for finding a scent, tracking prey quickly and freezing into pointing position to alert their hunter. Pointers are athletic, intelligent dogs who make loyal hunting companions as well as family dogs. The most common breeds of pointers are the Weimaraner, American Brittany, Vizsla and the German Shorthaired Pointer. These dogs are happiest when working, playing and with people. Due to their intelligence, early basic training is important before any bad habits are established. The most important part of this training is to properly introduce your dog to the birds.

Things You'll Need

  • 10' to 15' Check cord
  • Live clipped winged pigeons
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  1. Introduction to Birds

    • 1

      Hold a pigeon tightly in your hand. Let your dog see and smell the pigeon. If your dog becomes overly bold towards the bird, remove the bird from your dog's reach. Your dog must be willing to release the bird upon your command. This will develop over time.

    • 2

      Toss the bird a short distance, approximately five to 10 feet. Loosely holding the check cord, let your dog run after the bird.

    • 3

      Upon capture of the bird, call or signal for your dog to return to you. Only pull on the check cord if your dog refuses to return after several calls. The check cord pull should be light and short, as a signal, not actually pulling the dog.

    • 4

      Upon return, signal for your dog to release the bird to you. Let your dog enjoy the capture and return a few seconds before releasing the bird.

    • 5

      Praise your dog upon each return and release.