How to House-Train a Stray Dog

If you obtain a stray dog and would like to make her a member of your family, you will need to take on the responsibility of house-training. While training any dog has its challenges, you should find it easier to house-train a stray dog than a new puppy. Since older dogs can go much longer periods without relieving themselves, you will not need to constantly rush the animal out the door.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
  • Odor and stain remover
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      Create a consistent feeding schedule. Make sure to feed your new dog at the same time each day, as this will create a cycle for the dog's digestive system. recommends feeding large dogs twice daily.

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      Take your dog outside immediately after eating. Watch him carefully and reward him with enthusiastic praise and a tasty treat when he eliminates.

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      Take the dog outside an additional four or five times each day. Watch her carefully and reward her for a job well done. If she does not relieve herself within five minutes, bring her back inside and try again in a couple of hours. If a dog honestly needs to go, she will usually do it right away, according to PetPlace.

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      Maintain a close watch on the dog during the training period. If he needs to go, he will usually show the telltale signs, such as sniffing intently on the carpet, lifting a leg or walking repeatedly in small circles. When you see these signs, escort him outdoors immediately.

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      Scold her firmly when you catch her urinating or defecating indoors. Shout a command such as "No!" in an assertive manner and then escort her outside. Never use physical aggression or force and never scold her after the fact. You must catch her in the act or else she will not understand the reprimand.

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      Clean up any spots where your dog relieves himself indoors. Dogs will often return to the same spots where they have gone before, so make sure to thoroughly remove all traces of residue and odor every time.