How to Potty Train Puppies in Cold Weather

Potty training your puppy in the winter is the same as potty training him in the summer, aside from the fact that it is much colder. Snow, sleet, ice and bitter cold can really put the sting in potty training, especially if your puppy does not have protection. For this reason, careful planning is essential prior to bringing a new puppy home in the winter. A game plan set in place ensures that the potty training process goes smoothly.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Sweater
  • Doggie booties
  • Pet friendly ice-melt
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      Shovel a path for your puppy that leads to his elimination spot. Your puppy will need to go out for a potty break every morning immediately when he wakes up, ten minutes after every meal and immediately before bedtime. He will not wait for you to shovel if he has to go. Make sure that the path is ready at all times.

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      Provide your puppy with a sweater when the temperatures are especially raw outside. If she is warm, she will be more likely to go outside when she needs to. Miniatures and teacups need a pair of doggie booties to protect their feet. Road salts and gravel can cut the pads of their feet. Sore feet will keep them from wanting go outside to eliminate, causing a setback in potty training.

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      Take your puppy out to eliminate, bringing him back inside immediately afterwards. If you run back inside upon letting your puppy out because you feel cold, keep in mind that your furry friend is probably cold, too. Leaving him outside in frigid temperatures may make him less likely to want to go back outside when he has to go next time.

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      Follow the same routine when it is cold as you would when it is warm outside. Do not make your puppy wait to go out an extra few minutes while you wait for the snow to stop falling. Always let your puppy out according to schedule. Making her wait can cause her to have an accident.

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      Have your coat and boots ready at the door along with your puppy's sweater, leash and booties, if necessary. Making your puppy wait while you scramble around looking for your coat and boots will not help the potty training process. In fact, he will probably have an accident while he is waiting.