How to Stop Dogs From Marking Their Territory

Marking territory is a natural instinct in which both male and female dogs engage. Spraying the ground with urine is how dogs claim their territory and communicate with each other. It is difficult, if not impossible, to stop dogs from marking their territory completely. However, they can be taught when not to do it, such as when they are inside the home. To prevent territory marking from occurring, neuter or spay your dog before it reaches sexual maturity, as dogs tend not to mark until after they reach sexual maturity. However, if your pet has already begun spraying, there are a few things you can do to stop the behavior.

Things You'll Need

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Dog crate
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    • 1

      Use a good soap-based cleaner to thoroughly clean the areas where your dog has marked. Then, apply a mixture of vinegar and baking soda, after cleaning, to kill the odor completely. If your pet can still smell the urine, then it will most likely keep coming back to the same area.

    • 2

      Apply a training aid, such as crating, to teach your dog not to mark inside your home. This is like a "time out" for dogs. When you catch the dog marking, place it in the crate and tell it "no".

    • 3

      Catch your dog in the act, so you can discipline it while it is marking its territory. This discipline could include crate training as mentioned in Step 2. For some dogs, a simple "no" or "bad dog" will do. This will help your dog understand that what it is doing is wrong. Never discipline the dog later, as it will not understand why you are scolding it.

    • 4

      Introduce your dog to new pets slowly so it gets used to the idea and is less likely to mark territory in the home to show dominance to the new pet.

    • 5

      Take your pet for a walk outside, where it can mark its territory without repercussions. Giving your pet an outlet will help it to take care of its natural instinct to mark.