How to Potty Train a Weimaraner

Like all dog breeds, Weimaraner's were bred for a specific purpose--to hunt large game. This type of dog needs plenty of exercise and social interaction. A headstrong and aggressive breed, Weimeraner's can be high maintenance dogs from day one, if the owner does not know how to train them. Asserting dominance and setting ground rules set the stage for training success with a Weimaraner early on. Housebreaking needs to be on the top of the training list.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Leash
  • Treats or dog toy
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    • 1

      Confine your Weimaraner to a crate whenever you are unable to directly supervise him. The crate should have only enough room for your dog to turn around and lie down. Dogs will usually not relieve themselves where they sleep unless they are confined for too many hours without an opportunity to go outside. Do not crate your dog for more than four hours in a row when they are small.

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      Leash your Weimaraner anytime you are not interacting directly with him during play or training times. Keep your dog with you at all times when he is not in the crate. The purpose of leashing him indoors allows you to be moving about the house with him in close proximity to you to prevent him from having an accident indoors.

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      Watch for signs from your Weimaraner that he needs to relieve himself. Signs may include circling, pacing or whining. If he displays any of these signals, take your dog out immediately to the location you would like him to use to go potty. This can be referred to as the potty area. If you live in a shared housing unit or apartment building, please be courteous to your co-tennants and clean up after your dog.

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      If he relieves himself outdoors, praise him abundantly, give him a treat or dog toy and play with him for a few minutes. If he does not go to the bathroom within a few minutes, return indoors and wait for him to display another signal.

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      If your Weimaraner has an accident on the floor in your presence, scold him and move him outdoors to the potty area quickly. If he finishes his business outside, praise him. If you find an accident in the house and you didn't see your dog make the mess, do not discipline him after-the-fact. This will confuse him. Chalk that accident up to your inattentiveness, and learn to watch him more closely when he is not in the crate.