Training Centers
One of the largest and most successful dog agility centers in the United States is Contact Point Agility Center (CPAC), located in Southern California. CPAC has two locations in the greater Los Angeles area--in Fillmore and Canoga Park--and offers a variety of classes for purebred dogs and mixed breeds. Jump City Agility is another large, all-breed/mixed breed center in the Los Angeles area. Jump City Agility uses a team of two trainers, both of whom use positive motivation as their primary training tool.
An agility club differs from a training center in that it may or may not possess its own equipment. It's a group of like-minded people who travel, compete and train together. The West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club (WLAOTC) has an internal division of agility-minded people. The Dog Agility Sports Handlers (DASH) is a team welcoming agility enthusiasts at all levels of competition.
On Your Own
Do-it-yourself resources in the agility field are very limited in Southern California. With a little ingenuity, however, making your own backyard agility course becomes simple and inexpensive. Put a broom handle on concrete blocks for jumps. Create a tunnel out of a sheet-covered card table. Use a tire swing as a jump. Also consider taking your dog to a local child's playground and letting her explore the obstacles there.
Jump City Agility is affiliated with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and offers several AKC-sanctioned trials a year. On average, it offers eight to 10 trials a year. The West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club also offers trials. It is affiliated with the United Kennel Club and with Canine Performance Events. Two events a year are offered.
Caring For Your Agility Dog
While no agility-specific programs exist to care for your agility dog in Southern California, there are numerous veterinarian and vaccination clinics available. Contact a local pet store or vet office in order to take full advantage of these resources. Agility club members often receive discounts and benefits at local trials as well.