How to Train English Bulldog Babies

English Bulldog puppies are often described as "big babies," and many people treat theirs as such. Just like human babies, English Bulldogs need to be taught many things, such as how to become potty-trained, how to behave in certain situations, and to obey and listen to you. This can be difficult, as English bulldogs are often stubborn, according to the Bulldog Information Library. But while bulldogs have that quality, they also have many more that them desirable pets, including patience, intelligence and calmness. Training an English Bulldog puppy takes patience and persistence, but is well worth the effort.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
  • Crate
  • Enzymatic cleaner
  • Puppy shampoo
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    • 1

      Reward your English Bulldog puppy with treats and praise. Like most dogs, English bulldogs respond well to rewards. English Bulldog puppies tend to play rough, chew on their owners' hands and feet, and jump up on them. When this occurs, stop your puppy by walking away from it, which ultimately removes your attention from it. When the puppy stops the inappropriate behavior, give it a treat as a reward. Your bulldog puppy will eventually associate the treat with the correct behavior.

    • 2

      Keep your English Bulldog puppy in a crate when it is left alone. Be sure to choose a crate that allows proper ventilation, as English Bulldogs can overheat very quickly. The crate should only be big enough for the puppy to stand up, turn around and lie down. Take your puppy outside immediately after you release it from the crate and give it a treat when it eliminates in the correct area.

    • 3

      Take your English Bulldog puppy outside to eliminate at the same times every day. Setting up a potty routine will help your pup learn how long it has to hold its bladder and bowels and will likely eventually prevent accidents. Puppies typically need to eliminate 10 to 20 minutes after eating and before and after sleeping and playing, with a few other times during the day. Take the pup outside to the same spot and always reward it once it has eliminated.

    • 4

      Touch your English Bulldog's ears, mouth and feet regularly. English Bulldogs are prone to ear infections and handling and cleaning your puppies' ears regularly will help him become comfortable with someone touching its ears. In addition, English Bulldogs often develop skin conditions in which regular bathing is necessary. Bathing your bulldog once a month as a puppy will help get him used to the process, which will hopefully prevent problems when you bathe him as an adult.