How to Get Your Basenji Puppy to Stop Biting

Puppy biting is a common occurrence and a natural way of life for most basenji youngsters. Basenji puppies are curious and adventurous, and one way in which it can get a taste of the world is through biting. Most basenji puppy biting is not out of aggression; however, it can still inflict unintentional damage. In addition, if puppy biting is allowed to continue into adulthood, the biting will become more harmful and dangerous. Fortunately, there are a few ways in which to stop your basenji puppy from biting.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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      Pull the bitten body part away from the besenji puppy and say "ouch" loudly. Basenji puppies are typically sensitive and intuitive and will react when you verbally let them know they've hurt you. If the puppy continues to bite, walk away from it. The basenji will soon learn that biting results in stopped play.

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      Reward your basenji puppy when it is not biting. Basenji are originally hunting dogs and, therefore, thrive on rewards. Give your puppy treats or praise whenever it plays without biting. Doing so will encourage the non-biting behavior.

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      Say "No" firmly and place your hand around the basenji pup's jaw, quickly inserting your thumb underneath the basenji's tongue, after it bites you. Hold the puppy in this way for a few moments. This technique prevents the basenji from biting you and also feels uncomfortable to the puppy. The basenji puppy will eventually stop biting you to avoid this undesirable hold. According to the Complete Guide to Dog Ownership, this technique is especially good for basenjis with severe biting problems.

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      Assert your dominance over your basenji puppy. According to the Secrets of Dog Training website, basenjis will often bite as a means to show their dominance. Nip this behavior in the bud by showing your pup that you rule the roost. Always handle your dog's food and make it wait for your permission before it eats to show that you are in charge.

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      Always walk through doors ahead of your puppy. In addition, when on walks, keep your basenji on a short leash and beside you at all times. These are other ways to assert your dominance over your besenji puppy. The more your basenji respects you and knows you are the leader, the more it will obey you and likely stop biting.