How to Train a Puppy Not to Bite

For a puppy, biting is part of play, and even painful bites are rarely meant maliciously. The problem is that people have thinner skin than dogs, so your puppy needs to learn to be gentle. Showing him that his bites hurt is usually enough to get him to stop.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog chew toys
  • Old towel
  • Knotted rope
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      Decide what is acceptable. Some pet owners don't mind light nips from their dogs, while others believe any biting is unacceptable.

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      Whenever your puppy hurts you, sharply say, "Stop," "Ouch" or something similar. Dogs yelp when they are hurt, so your puppy will immediately recognize this as a cry of pain, and she should stop.

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      Immediately give the puppy a chew toy.

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      Leave the room or put the puppy in his kennel if he continues to bite too hard. This will teach the dog that if he continues to bite, you will not play with him. A few minutes is enough time for the puppy to understand.

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      Use an old, knotted rope, towel or something similar as a toy you and the puppy can use to play tug of war. Puppies have a lot of aggressive energy and love to chew things, so having an outlet for those instincts will make your dog happier and provide you both with a lot of fun.

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      Give the puppy something to do. A lot of dogs are trained to work, and will behave better when they have some task to perform. Teach your puppy to carry things for you or to play fetch.

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      Teach your puppy to heel. Even the most well-behaved canines get a bit out of hand from time to time. A "heel" or "sit" command will stop her when she gets too excited.