German Shepherd Command Training

German Shepherds are a medium-size dog breed that originated from Germany and originally were used to herd sheep. Having high levels of intelligence and strength, German Shepherds aim to please their owners and, therefore, are relatively easy to train. Keep in mind that the best time to begin training simple commands to your dog is during their younger years, at around 6 months of age. Letting any training problems go unaddressed past this age range can make training your dog harder when they are older.
  1. Positive Reinforcement

    • Using positive reinforcement is the best way to teach your German Shepherd simple commands. Using positive rewards each time your dog complies to a command is the best way to train. There are two rules to remember when utilizing the positive-reinforcement method. Always provide positive reinforcement each time your dog demonstrates a desired behavior. This will help encourage the dog to continue performing commands that are given. Secondly, when your German Shepherd does not comply when given a command, let the dog know by giving them an expression of dissatisfaction.

    Using the Dog's Intelligence

    • German Shepherd dogs are one of the most intelligent breeds to date. Because they are known to learn simple commands quite quickly, this makes the training process quite easier for you. To use the German Shepherd's intelligence, remember to reward the dog for all of his good behavior and compliance. If you are consistent at rewarding your dog when obeying your simple commands, you can quickly gauge how smart he really is.

    Being Gentle when Training

    • Remember to be gentle when training your German Shepherd. Because of their inherent desire to please and their high intelligence levels, using negative reinforcement can only hinder the training process. German Shepherds respond best to consistent training programs, so do not lavish them with excessive praise or berate them either. Rewarding positive behaviors is the best way to conduct a successful training program.

    Becoming the Alpha Member of the Pack

    • Becoming the alpha member of the pack will help train your German Shepherd faster. Becoming the alpha member of the pack is a fairly simple process and will help the dog learn who is in charge. This can help stop unwanted behaviors such as jumping on visitors and barking. Although becoming the alpha member of the pack is beneficial to all dog training, it especially works well with German Shepherds as they have a higher intellect level.

    The Basic Commands

    • German Shepherds enjoy learning and love pleasing their owners. Teaching a variety of simple commands will not only build a strong bond between you and your dog, but also will help prevent boredom. Simple commands such as sit, stay, lay down and shake are common for puppies to learn. When teaching basic commands remember to use the same labels each time you are performing the training. This will minimize confusion during the training process.