How to Potty Train Dogs Step-by-Step

The only way to save your floors and rugs when you first get a dog is to start potty training him immediately. It is much harder to fully potty train a dog once he has eliminated inside of your house, and it will take you longer overall. As it is, the process take a few weeks or even a few months, depending on your dog's previous training and personality.


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      Take your puppy outside every two hours if he is between eight and twelve weeks old. Older puppies and dogs can go longer between potty breaks.

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      Give him the same elimination command every time you have him outside, and do not start playing with him until after he has urinated and/or defecated. Dogs that immediately start playing may forget to eliminate, and may go when you get back inside.

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      Wait outside as long as you need to for your dog to eliminate, and praise him immediately when he does. Don't get too excited during your praising, though; you may interrupt your dog and might not be able to get him to go again.

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      Pay close attention to your dog every time he is in the house. When you notice behavior such as a circling and sniffing the floor, immediately take your dog outside to eliminate.

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      Clean up any messes your dog makes in the house as completely as possible using an enzyme cleaner. A chemical carpet cleaner can set in stains and does not eliminate enough of the scent. If the scent remains, your dog will try to go in that spot again.