How to Toilet Train a Puppy Outdoors

Puppies do not gain the ability to control their bladders until they are 12 weeks old, so it is important to put extra work into house breaking before this age. House breaking a dog is moderately easy to do using a crate and positive reinforcing.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Training Treats
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      Place your puppy in a crate for short periods of time. Dogs do not want to relieve themselves where they sleep, so a crate or small confined area is the easiest way to begin the house breaking process. Use a crate for the first few weeks of having your puppy.

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      Let the puppy out as soon as you notice he is sniffing around to go to the bathroom. Immediately take him outside to the area you want him to relieve himself. Be patient, as this may take a few minutes each time.

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      Take your puppy outside immediately after every meal before putting him back in the crate.

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      Reward the puppy with a training treat and praise every time he goes to the bathroom outside. Positive reinforcement will teach him that going to the bathroom outside is the correct and appropriate behavior.

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      Scold your puppy gently when you catch him going to the bathroom inside. Simple statements like "no" or "bad dog" will teach him that this is not the appropriate behavior. Do not scold the puppy unless you watch the accident happen, as the puppy will not know why he is being scolded after the act is done.

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      Crate the puppy overnight for the first four weeks, as this will be the most difficult time of day to get him outside when you need to. Take him outside to relieve himself before going to bed and immediately in the morning.