Colorado Coonhound Rescue Training

Trying to train your rescued coonhound can be a tough job. Try these tricks to calm your coonhound and regain your dog-ownership sanity.
  1. Benefits

    • The benefits of owning a rescued coonhound are many, including having done your part to help an animal in need of a home. However, coonhounds are known for their energetic behavior and smart personalities. Coonhound owners are well aware of their loving demeanor but also have difficulty training them because they are mostly food motivated and do not sit and stay just to please their owners. Training your coonhound can be the best idea for both owner and dog in order to keep such a great breed under control and happy.


    • Charleston Marie of the Colorado Coonhound Rescue and Adoption Service recommends many types of training to calm your hound. If your coonhound is eating too fast, Marie suggests spreading the dog food in the backyard for the dog to hunt and seek it, training his mind and sense of smell. You may also try a peanut butter bottle, which Marie explains is a great way to keep the coonhound going for hours. Just take an empty, clean pop bottle and throw in a few pieces of dog food or peanut butter to coat the inside, and let the dog chew on the bottle in the backyard. Just remember to monitor the dog so he does not eat the small pieces of the bottle that tear off.


    • Consider taking your coonhound on long walks and repeated runs to get all that energy. Training your dog will go easier when he has been running. Also consider bringing treats along when trying to get your coonhound to sit and stay. Again, they are mostly food motivated.


    • Misconceptions about the coonhound are many, including that they are a low-maintenance dog breed. Rescued coonhounds are even more of a time commitment for dog owners because they were most likely abandoned, strays, and/or from a shelter, impacting the temperament and personality of the dog. When attempting to train your rescued coonhound, make sure you are aware of these misconceptions and train accordingly.


    • The potential of these dogs is boundless, and training them to be the best coonhound around can only inspire others to help rescue these animals. They can be a great addition to your family.