How to Deal With a New Puppy

Puppies are cute and cuddly. Unfortunately, they do not come with an instilled good-behavior button. They require a great deal of patience and consistent discipline on the owner's part--and a few accessories--to become well-mannered family pets. Having the right tools will make training less stressful for the owner and the puppy.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Dog bed
  • Neutralizing odor spray
  • Harness collar
  • Leash
  • Chew toys
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    • 1
      A crate is a place where a dog can feel safe.

      Purchase a dog crate. Choose the kind that is pre-assembled and will fold down on itself for storage. Consider the full-grown size of the puppy, so he can always use the crate. The dog crate can become his own place of refuge, according to the ASPCA website.

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      Puppies enjoy having their own space.

      Make the crate his home by providing a bed for him in the crate. Do not leave a puppy in a crate for a long period of time.

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      Walk a puppy frequently.

      Be aware that the puppy has an immature bladder and will need to urinate often, says the Perfect Paws website. Walk the puppy every two to three hours. Walk the puppy frequently on a leash and use a harness collar, rather than a neck collar.

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      Give the puppy chew toys. Puppies will chew on anything and everything if given the opportunity, says the Placerville Vet website. They do this because they are cutting their teeth, and it feels good. Offer the puppy a chew toy when he tries to chew things he should not chew.