How to Train Cow Dogs

Cow and cattle dogs are unlike nearly any other type of herding dog. They are born with their job in their blood, and they don't need to be extensively taught and trained. Working purely from instinct, your cattle dog (most likely a rottweiler, Australian cattle dog or blue heeler) will quickly grasp the concept of herding cattle, and merely needs to be carefully introduced and controlled until he gains experience.

Things You'll Need

  • Livestock corral
  • 3-6 ducks
  • 3-6 cows
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    • 1
      Your dog must be obedience trained for safety reasons.

      Teach your dog basic obedience commands, including down, sit, stay and come. In order to be an effective working dog, he must obey on and off the field, and his obedience training could save his life if faced with an enraged bull.

    • 2
      These ducks are watching the dog.

      Build your dog's confidence by working him on a small group of ducks (three to six). Introduce him to the group, ensure that he is calm, and just let him go.

    • 3

      Watch your dog's natural instincts kick in. Cow dogs aren't trained; they're born. He will favor working in a particular direction. Watch him and learn his habits. Call him to you; he will naturally herd the ducks towards you.

    • 4

      Introduce a command to mean "Go get the stock." This could be "herd," "go get 'em," or anything of your choice, as long as it's consistent. Say this word or phrase every time you send the dog after the ducks.

    • 5
      This cow faces the dog down. He will need confidence in such situations.

      Introduce him to a group of three cows in a pen after a couple of weeks of working with the ducks. Use the same command to tell him to bring the group of cows to you. Expose him to larger groups of cows over a period of several weeks.

    • 6
      The white dog watches his herd.

      Take three cows and move to the pasture. Send your dog after them, and start walking, all the while telling your dog to bring them to you. This acquaints your cow dog with moving the herd along for a distance. Expose him to larger groups of cows over a period of several weeks.