Rosemary As a Repellent for Dog Chewing

Chewing is a destructive habit that is common in many dogs. Putting a repellent on the furniture or other surface your dog chooses to chew on will help put a stop to the problem. Rather than buying a repellent at the pet store, it is possible to make one at home by making a bitter-tasting tea.
  1. Ingredients

    • You will need rosemary and cayenne pepper for the tea and a spray bottle for application. According to The Dog Food Project, rosemary is beneficial to your dog's health and is a common ingredient in high-quality dog foods. Cayenne pepper is perfectly safe for your dog to ingest, though its spicy qualities are undesirable for your dog. Together, the two ingredients create a foul-tasting concoction that will deter your dog from any surface you apply it to.


    • Bring two cups of water to a boil in a small pan. Add a ¼ cup of rosemary and 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper to the water, then remove it from the stove. Allow the tea to brew until the water has completely cooled.


    • Strain the water using a colander or cheese cloth to remove the rosemary and any of the cayenne pepper that did not dissolve. Pour the strained tea into the spray bottle.


    • Spray the tea liberally onto any surface you do not want your dog chewing on. Be careful--the tea will stain light-colored fabrics.


    • Watch to see how your dog reacts to the taste. If he seems slightly put off but decides to chew anyway, you might need to apply more of the spray to the surfaces. Every dog has different taste buds; if this mixture does not work, you might want to try a store-bought spray.