Physical Capability
Shih Tzu puppies are not physically capable of being completely housebroken until the ages of three to five months. The puppy's brain is not fully developed and cannot control all bodily functions before that time. Be patient and expect accidents when starting house training. Remain consistent with the housebreaking method, and the Shih Tzu will be housebroken within a few months. It is not reasonable to expect the Shih Tzu to be house trained within a week. Keep in mind that he is always trying to please his owners.
Female and Male
A female Shih Tzu is easier to train than a male. Females usually urinate and defecate once when brought outside. A male Shih Tzu urinates in several places to mark his territory. This behavior makes it more difficult to housebreak a male. The male Shih Tzu always keeps some urine reserved for marking. The puppy does not distinguish between marking the inside of the house with the outside. Neutering a male Shih Tzu helps prevent the marking behavior.
Develop a schedule to follow while house training the Shih Tzu. Decide on specific times to feed, exercise and water the dog. Keep to this schedule as much as possible, and the dog will develop a routine for urinating and defecating.
Measure the food that the dog eats, and keep the treats to a minimum while house training. Leaving food out for the Shih Tzu to eat freely makes house training much more difficult. Also, limit the amount of water the dog has during the night to prevent accidents in his bedding.
Choose a specific location for the Shih Tzu to relieve himself. Choose a location outside for the Shih Tzu to relieve himself, and be sure to go to this spot every time the dog needs to go out. The scent of previous visits to the spot will give the dog the urge to urinate again. Soon, the Shih Tzu will realize that he is to relieve himself immediately when he goes to this spot.
While the Shih Tzu is being housebroken, never let him wander from room to room. The puppy will urinate wherever he's standing. If the owner doesn't correct the dog immediately, he will not realize that he did anything wrong.
Time Frame
A dog walker can help with house training. Timing is the most difficult aspect of house training a Shih Tzu. The ideal house training method requires the dog to be brought outside every 15 minutes to relieve himself. This is impossible for working pet owners, but hiring a dog walker can help with the timing.
If no dog walker is available, have the Shih Tzu remain in his crate while no one is at home. The Shih Tzu does not like to mess in his crate, so he is more apt to control himself if he is old enough.
When the Shih Tzu sniffs the floor, it is usually an indication that he has to go out. Call the dog's name immediately to distract him, and bring him outside.
House Training for Shih Tzu Dogs
The Shih Tzu is an ideal companion dog with its small build and friendly personality. Its sole purpose in life is to please its owner. The Shih Tzu's lively, alert personality makes house training easy. The housebreaking training method Shih Tzu owners use should be consistent and positive. Use the same house training techniques each day to build a trusting relationship with the Shih Tzu and prevent confusion for the dog.