Things You'll Need
- Slip chain collar
- Leash
- Dog leash
- Dog crate
Establish yourself as your puppy's pack leader at an early age. Rottweiler puppies will try to assume this role, but letting your puppy be the leader will result in major behavior problems and inhibit behavior training. Simple steps, like never letting your puppy walk through a door ahead of you, sends the clear message that you are the leader.
Housebreak your puppy. Rottweilers respond well to housebreaking as long as you stick to a routine. Take your puppy outside when it wakes up in the morning, 15 to 30 minutes after eating, just before bedtime, and every 2 to 3 hours in between. Also watch for visual cues like sniffing and turning in a circle. Choose a key phrase, such as "let's go outside," and use it each time you take your puppy out. And give your puppy a treat immediately after it does its business. Your puppy will quickly learn to associate the key phrase with doing its business and then getting a treat. Put your puppy in a crate at night, when you have to leave home, and when you cannot watch the puppy closely during the day.
Enroll your puppy in puppy obedience training--sometimes called kindergarten--as early as your local dog obedience school will allow. Obedience training will teach you to deliver basic commands like "sit," "stay," "heel," "recall" "off" and "drop it." This is also a perfect opportunity to begin socializing your puppy.
Practice obedience commands in 3- to 5-minute sessions several times a day. Always use positive reinforcement, and keep the training sessions fun and rewarding for your puppy.
Make your puppy perform a simple command, such as "sit" or "stay," before you give it food, water, treats, toys or affection. This is a critical part of training it to be an obedient dog, and will continually reaffirm that you are its leader.
Take your dog on frequent walks to aid in socializing it. Use a slip chain collar to teach your puppy to heel. Never let it walk in front of you, as this sends the message that it is in charge. It is imperative to leash train your puppy an early age, because the puppy will quickly grow into a strong, powerful, hard-to-handle adolescent dog if not trained. Employ positive reinforcement in the form of verbal praise and dog treats when it follows your command.
Enroll your puppy in advanced training once it masters basic obedience commands. In advanced training you will learn to deliver commands like "stop," "back up," "leave it" and "go to bed." Rottweiler puppies are intelligent and easily trainable; they are also successful in competitive obedience training. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers is a good resource when searching for a qualified trainer.