Things You'll Need
- Crate
- Leash
Show your chihuahua puppy that you are in charge. Unless the puppy knows you are his leader, he will follow his own rules, which usually leads to a disobedient puppy. Hold your chihuahua puppy in your arms on his back and look into his eyes. This pose puts the puppy in a vulnerable and submissive state and you in one that is dominant. Practice this technique a few times each day for a couple of minutes. Place your puppy in this position when he misbehaves, as well. This pose works on most puppies, as it mimics what the mother would do to the puppy when he disobeys--she would push him down so that he is lying on his back and put him in this vulnerable state. It particularly works well on chihuahua puppies because many have dominant personalities, which can cause them to disobey. Hovering over the puppy literally puts you on top of the dog, and shows you are the leader.
Socialize your chihuahua puppy. Chihuahuas have a tendency to become one-person dogs and get jealous and often aggressive when others come near "their person." Therefore, it is essential to allow plenty of interaction between the chihuahua and other people and animals. The more exposure the puppy gets, the more she will become familiar and comfortable with others, which can eliminate most nervousness and aggression. Take your chihuahua puppy to dog parks or obedience classes once she has received her puppy shots, and allow her to play with the other dogs in attendance. In addition, encourage others to pet your dog and hold her, as well.
Place your chihuahua puppy in a crate that is just big enough for him to stand up, turn around and lie down in, when you are not able to supervise. Crate training is beneficial to chihuahua puppies in a few ways. It prevents them from eliminating in the home, as it forces them to lie in their waste if they do so, which helps with potty training. Furthermore, crate training keeps curious chihuahua puppies from getting into dangerous substances and chewing on household objects when left alone. Place the crate in a room in which you spend time and keep the door open initially. Place toys and even feed the puppy in his crate to entice him to spend time inside. Also, give the puppy a treat each time he enters the crate to positively reward that behavior. Once the puppy becomes familiar with the crate, move it to a quiet area.
Walk your puppy daily. Leashed walks provide your puppy with exercise and allow her to burn any pent-up energy. If the energy does not have an outlet, it can cause a chihuahua puppy to become disobedient and potentially aggressive. Leashed walks also provide a bonding opportunity and can help in establishing your dominance. Keep your chihuahua next to you at all times and prevent her from walking in front--if she leads the walk, she will think she is in charge. Prevent the pup from walking ahead or too far away by keeping the leash rather tight and short. When she attempts to walk ahead, pull the leash so that she is back in the correct position. Avoid taking your puppy on walks that are too long, as it can cause exhaustion. Walks that are between a half mile to a mile in length are usually ideal for chihuahuas, states