How to Train Dogs to Look Out for Cars

Dogs who have a tendency to run out and chase cars could be potentially injured or even killed. Since dogs are fast and often come out of nowhere, many drivers don't have time to stop before hitting a dog. To keep your dog safe, you can train your dog to look out for cars and keep your dog from running out into the street by using a leash, teaching your dog to heel, and using devices such as electric fences, shock collars and exercise.


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      Use a leash when going out to walk the dog. Using a leash when walking a dog will keep the dog from darting out into traffic and train the dog to stay closely beside you when outside.

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      Train the dog to heel on command. A dog can be taught to heel by having the dog stand by your left leg and holding a dog treat at your waist. Then take a few steps forward and if the dog stays with you, give the dog the treat. However, this is a difficult trick to learn and to ensure that the dog learns how to heel properly it's best to find a dog trainer at a local obedience school. Teaching a dog to heel will keep the dog from darting out into the street while you are outside with the dog.

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      Use a shock collar. Though many people believe that using a shock collar is cruel, it is an effective way to keep dogs from running out into traffic and potentially being killed by a car. Place the shock collar on the dog and when the dog attempts to run out into the street, shock the dog. Keep the voltage low and stop shocking the dog once the dog stops running out into the street and learns how to stay in the yard.

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      Have a friend drive by the yard in a car if the dog has a tendency to chase cars. Once the dog runs up to the car, have the friend slow the car down and throw a water balloon or a bucket of cold water out the window onto the dog. Repeat until the dog learns to stop running out into traffic after cars. The dog will also associate the cold water with cars and stay away from cars driving past.

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      Seek specialized help. Each dog has an individual personality and these methods may not work for all dogs. If after trying these methods your dog still has a tendency to run outside and chase cars, or doesn't pay attention to traffic, seek out a local dog trainer or dog obedience school. A professional dog trainer will be able to give you insight on how to train the dog to look for cars and keep the dog safe.