How to Stop a Puppy From Barking and Growling

Puppies that constantly bark and growl are either showing insecurity or aggressiveness, neither of which is a good thing. Putting a stop to the barking and growling when your dog is a puppy will help reduce the chance of him growing up with an aggressive or insecure mindset. Dogs that grow up to be aggressive or insecure are far more likely to bite someone than dogs who are relaxed and secure. Stopping your puppy from growling and barking is not easy but with time and patience it can most certainly be accomplished.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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      Train your puppy in daily obedience. Simple commands such as "sit," "stay" and "come" allow you to be in control and act as the leader. Daily obedience training also helps shape your puppy into a well-behaved and balanced dog.

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      Ignore your puppy. If he growls or barks at you in an attempt to get your attention, then simply ignore him by turning your back or walking away. This tells him that barking or growling is not the way for him to receive attention.

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      Use positive reinforcement. Issue a loud and firm "no" if your puppy is barking or growling at inappropriate times. When she stops, immediately praise her and give her a treat. Doing this repetitively allows your dog to learn that being quiet is better behavior than constant barking and growling.

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      Socialize your puppy. Puppies, like children, are naturally frightened by things that they don't understand or have never seen before. In response to something unfamiliar, your puppy will let out a series of barks or growls in hopes of scaring it off. By introducing your puppy to new places, sounds and people, he will acquire an understanding of things around him and push that fear aside.