How to Make Your Own Pet Game

Looking for something fun to do with your dog? Tired of just going for a walk or to the dog park? Why not turn your next outing or play group into a learning game that is not only mentally stimulating, but helps reinforce obedience skill sets. Based on time, you can play with just your dog or invite others to join in a friendly competition. Either way, you'll both have fun while strengthening the bond between you and your dog.

Things You'll Need

  • 6 marker cones
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Dog treats
  • Tennis ball
  • Timer
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  1. Set Up Game

    • 1

      Place six marker cones 15 feet apart in a straight line.

    • 2

      Take the paper and pencil and write on six different sheets, in order, the following commands.
      start/sit; sit/stay/jumping jacks; down/stay/run; sit/catch/drop; leave it/five seconds; fetch/drop/return.

    • 3

      Place, in the order written, one sheet of paper with a command next to each marker.

    Play the Game

    • 4

      Instruct your dog to sit by your side at the starting cone and begin timing as you and your dog proceed to the second cone.

    • 5

      Tell your dog to sit and stay at the second marker while you complete five jumping jacks. Begin again if your dog moves. Reward your dog with a treat when finished and move on to the next cone.

    • 6

      Place your dog into a down/stay position at the third marker. Turn and proceed to run to and from the starting marker without your dog moving. Do it again if your dog breaks the stay. Reward your dog with a treat and move on to the next marker when the task is completed.

    • 7

      Ask your dog to sit and stay when you arrive at the fourth marker. Step out in front of your dog and toss the ball. Try again if the dog does not catch it. Ask your dog to drop the ball after it is caught. Reward with a treat when your dog releases the ball and proceed to next marker, taking the ball with you.

    • 8

      Drop a treat on the ground when you get to the fifth marker and ask your dog to "leave it." Wait five seconds and reward with a treat from your hand if your dog obeys. Repeat the action and command if your dog eats the treat on the ground. Move to the next marker when your dog completes this task successfully.

    • 9

      Instruct your dog to sit at the final marker and, when seated, throw the ball a short distance. Ask your dog to fetch and bring the ball back to you as soon as it stops rolling. Give the command "drop it" when the dog returns to you with the ball. Pick up the ball and together you and your dog must run back to the starting marker. Stop the timer when you cross the line and record your time. Give your dog plenty of hugs, treats and some water.