How to Train a Chihuahua Puppy to Do Tricks

Because of their generally high intelligence and playfulness, Chihuahua puppies usually pick up on new tricks rather quickly. You'll likely find that teaching your Chi puppy new tricks is enjoyable for both you and your puppy. In addition, teaching your Chi puppy tricks helps to strengthen the bond between the two of you and teaches the puppy that you are in control --- a fact that is sometimes lost on Chihuahuas. Fortunately, training your Chi puppy tricks is often simple and easy to do.

Things You'll Need

  • Small dog treats
  • Wet dog food
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  1. Sit

    • 1

      Hold a treat in your hand. Be sure that the treat is small enough so that it will not get lodged in the Chi puppy's throat.

    • 2

      Stand in front of the puppy. Raise your hand that is holding the treat over the puppy's head so that it has to look up.

    • 3

      Say "sit" or another one-word command of your choosing, as Chi puppies typically respond best to short commands, says Avoid saying the puppy's name after the command, as it may confuse them.

    • 4

      Watch to see if the puppy sits as a result of watching your hand. If it does, give it the treat as its reward, along with praise. If not, perform the task again and keep trying until the puppy sits.

    Which Hand?

    • 5

      Sit your Chi puppy in front of you. Grab a handful of small treats in one hand, suggests

    • 6

      Place your hands behind your back, out of your Chi puppy's sight. After a few moments, bring your hands out in front of you again.

    • 7

      Ask your Chi puppy "which hand?" in an excited voice. The puppy will likely detect which hand just by the smell of the treat.

    • 8

      Give your Chihuahua puppy the treats when it places its paw on the correct hand. Practice the routine over until the puppy understands, if it does not on the first try.

    Sweet Kisses

    • 9

      Sit your dog in front of you. Place a small dab of wet dog food on your cheek, suggests

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      Say the command "kisses," and allow your Chi puppy to lick the food off of your face. Repeat the command as the puppy removes the food from your cheek.

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      Point to your face and say "kisses" again to encourage the Chihuahua to lick you without the food. Praise the puppy with a treat if it does so. Eventually, you will be able to eliminate placing the food on your cheek.