Things You'll Need
- Treats
- Crate
- Wooden post
- Enzymatic cleaner
Praise your dog when he urinates in the appropriate places, suggests When your dog avoids marking in your home or on the fire hydrant on your walk, give him a treat and enthusiastic petting. Eventually, your dog will likely associate his urination in your desired area with receiving praise. Because of this, he will probably continue to strive to earn the reward.
Place your dog in a crate when you are unable to provide supervision, suggests Keeping the dog contained will prevent and ultimately train it to not mark in your home. If your dog decides to mark in its crate, it will have to lie in its waste---a consequence most dogs find unpleasant. Therefore, your dog will likely do all he can to hold his bladder until he goes outside.
Provide an appropriate area for your dog to mark outside, suggests If marking inside your home is an issue, allow your dog to mark---but on your terms. Put a wooden post outside and encourage other dogs to mark it as well. Doing so will entice your dog to do the same. If your dog has an acceptable marking area, he will likely avoid doing so in your home.