How to Potty Train Puppies in the Winter

Adopting or purchasing a puppy is a wonderful experience for a family. The newest addition will need to be potty trained, no matter what time of the year the puppy came into the family's life. Potty training a puppy during the winter does not have to be any more difficult than training it during the warmer months of the year. With a little perseverance, and a lot of trips outside in the snow, a puppy can be potty trained in even the coldest, snowiest environments.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Warm blanket
  • Leash
  • Puppy sweater
  • Booties
  • Dog treats
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      Purchase a crate for the puppy to sleep in during the night. The puppy will not potty where it sleeps, so keeping it in a confined spot will ensure there are no accidents on the floor when you wake up. Keep a warm blanket in the crate with the puppy during the cold winter nights.

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      Take the puppy outside on a leash once an hour. Put a sweater and dog booties on the puppy if it is a more delicate breed, such as a Chihuahua. Say the word "potty" while the puppy is voiding outdoors. Once the puppy hears that word each time it is brought outdoors, it will begin to figure out that going outside is for potty time, not playing. Allow your puppy to sniff around, but do not allow it to roam. Keep the puppy in a small area and take it inside immediately.

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      Take the puppy outside to eliminate first thing in the morning, after meals and after nap time.

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      Watch for signs that the puppy needs to potty. The puppy may scratch at the door, bark or sniff around on the floor. Take the puppy outdoors immediately if these signals are present.

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      Clean up accidents immediately. The puppy will begin to associate the smell of the accidents with voiding indoors.

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      Praise your dog and offer it a treat when it goes potty outdoors.