How to Train a Basset Hound Puppy to Do Tricks

There is nothing cuter than a basset hound puppy -- unless it's a basset hound puppy doing tricks on command. Not only is it adorable, it's also practical; a puppy who is used to learning and listening to your trick commands will be much more willing to learn and obey basic obedience commands.

The difficulty is that basset hounds were originally bred to think independently when in pursuit of game, a trait that makes them notoriously hard to train -- hard, but not impossible.

Things You'll Need

  • Really yummy treats
  • Kitchen timer
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      Choose high-value treats. Bassett hound puppies may be independent and stubborn, but they also love to eat -- which means they are highly motivated to work for food. Be prepared to "pay" your puppy for his obedience, at least at the beginning, with lots of extra-special treats like 1/4-inch thick slices of hot dog, 1/4-inch cubes of cheese, or small pieces of dry cat food.

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      Break down the tricks into small components. Puppies aren't born knowing that the command "roll over" means "lie down, then roll onto your side, then roll onto your back, then onto your other side, and back on your tummy." Consider the separate steps for each trick, teach the first step, then add the next, and the next.

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      Keep the training sessions short. Basset hound puppies have a short attention span, so short but frequent training sessions, two or three sessions a day at five minutes each, will be plenty for your pup. Set a kitchen timer so you don't go over the time.

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      Keep the training sessions fun and positive. Be upbeat, be happy, and reward/praise generously. In order to keep your basset hound puppy attentive and willing to learn, you must convince her that learning is fun -- she won't believe it unless you do.

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      Be patient. Basset hounds are notoriously slow learners, and puppies in general are, too. Take your time, don't expect miracles overnight, and remember that you chose this breed because of his tenacious nature.