How to Stop Crying Puppies at Night

Bringing a new puppy home can be an exhilarating and scary experience for both the owner and the pet. Those first few nights can be filled with crying and barking as the new puppy becomes accustomed to its surroundings. Spare yourself a few sleepless nights by cutting down on the whining and crying of the frightened new addition to your family. Before you know it, the puppy will be sleeping through the night .

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Dog blanket
  • Piece of clothing
  • Dog toy
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      Take your puppy for a long walk or play vigorously with it before bedtime. A tired puppy is less likely to whine in the crate. Take the puppy outside just before bedtime to potty.

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      Avoid giving the puppy any food or water three hours before bedtime. This will help ensure that the puppy does not cry in the middle of the night because it needs to potty.

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      Keep the puppy in a crate and place the crate inside your bedroom. The puppy will see, hear and smell you, which will help it feel less anxious.

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      Place a comfortable blanket, a toy and a piece of clothing that you have recently worn into the crate. This will make the crate a more inviting environment for the puppy to sleep.

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      Take the puppy outside if it is crying to see if it needs to potty. Immediately bring the puppy back inside and place it back into the crate. If the puppy continues to cry, it is probably seeking attention. Pet the puppy once and go back to bed. Do not continue to give the puppy attention. After a while, the puppy will begin to realize that whining does not get him instant attention.