How to Potty Train an Adult Shitzu

Shih Tzu's are keenly intelligent and are fun to have as company, not-to-mention they don't mind at all, pleasing their owners. On the other hand, teaching Shih Tzu's appropriate toilet etiquette proves more difficult than most other breeds, especially if the Shih Tzu in question is an adult. Their bladders are smaller, requiring relief more often than other breeds and accidents even among well-trained adults are common. In addition, Shih Tzu's are highly susceptible to stress, even more so with age. By keeping these things in mind, the adult Shih Tzu in question can master the potty training regimen with just a little more patience and encouragement than required for a Shih Tzu puppy.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog leash
  • Dog cage
  • Patience
  • Dog biscuits
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      Take the adult Shih Tzu to a designated place outside of your house when you first bring the dog home, before bringing her of him inside. Wait for the dog to use the toilet, then offer encouragement and extolment or even a dog biscuit.

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      Remain alert for your adult Shih Tzu walking in circles and sniffing areas around the home; immediately take the dog outside to the specified toilet area when your pet exhibits such behavior. When the Shih Tzu uses the toilet, do not forget to bestow extolments on the dog and offer a dog biscuit.

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      Keep a consistent schedule, morning, noon and night to take your adult Shih Tzu outside for a toilet break. If you cannot be home during designated times (such as noon because of work) keep the Shih Tzu in a roomy cage. Upon returning, take the dog out immediately to use the toilet.

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      Refrain from using the dog's cage as a punishment tool for mistakes. The cage is meant as the Shih Tzu's lair, not a source of stress for the pet. Making use of the cage when away and at night, teaches the Shih Tzu not to use the toilet in his or her own sleeping and eating quarters. The cage will also come in handy if you travel with your Shih Tzu quite often.

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      Cleanse all areas where your Shih Tzu has an accident, by using a power enzyme-based cleaner. This type of cleaner will aid in the elimination of odors that accompany feces or urine. Your adult Shih Tzu will often seek out those scents when deciding where to take his of her next toilet break.