Destructive Dog Behavior Due to Jealousy of a Baby

When a dog is used to being the center of attention, he can have a difficult time adjusting when a new baby joins the family. He may be jealous of all the attention that's being lavished on the baby and react to this change in a variety of ways. Be sure to pay attention to any changes in your pet's behavior so you can address them before they become problematic.
  1. Behaviors

    • Dogs can become destructive when their home environment changes. A generally well-behaved dog can begin chewing shoes, rugs, furniture and clothing. Housebroken dogs may begin urinating in the house. They may even become aggressive and growl or nip when they feel threatened. They may start protecting their toys and food, and not let anyone come near their things. They may even be self-destructive by licking themselves repeatedly and causing open lesions, called lick granulomas, on their legs.


    • A dog's bad behavior sometimes occurs because a baby is now getting the attention that the dog used to get. He may not get walked as often as before, or he may be kept in a crate or in a separate room. He may suffer from separation anxiety, which may cause him to act out. He may also suffer from a lack of mental stimulation. For a bored dog, chewing things becomes a way to pass the time.


    • Bring home a blanket or piece of clothing that the baby has worn in the hospital and let your dog sniff it. This is a non-threatening way for your dog to become familiar with the scent of the baby before it comes home. If your dog doesn't already have a schedule, create one for him. Walk him and feed him at the usual times. When baby comes home, he'll take comfort in following a consistent routine.


    • If possible, have one-on-one time with your dog. Enroll in an obedience or agility class with him to help him expend nervous energy and get exercise. This will also build the bond between the two of you and distract him from opportunities to be destructive. Give him a special treat or a toy that he can play with when the baby is nearby. This will help him associate the baby with something positive.


    • Don't leave a dog alone with a baby. A sudden noise or movement could startle the dog, and he could react harshly. Before the baby arrives, take your dog to the vet for a checkup to make sure he doesn't have any undiagnosed health conditions. A dog with health issues is more likely to snap or act aggressively.