How to Become a Therapy Dog Trainer

Therapy dogs give individuals the opportunity to interact with gentle and loving dogs at a time of stress or isolation. Institutions such as hospitals, old age homes, schools and even prisons utilize therapy dogs to calm patients, students and others who find themselves at difficult points in their lives. A therapy dog must have a gentle and patient temperament but proper training also comprises an important part in the development of a good therapy dog. Therapy dog trainers bring new dogs into this growing field of therapy.


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      Contact a therapy dog organization such as Therapy Dogs International (TDI) or Love on a Leash (LOAL) to ascertain their certification requirements for therapy dogs. These organizations act as recognized central addresses for registering therapy dogs. Join a therapy dog organization through its website and receive their guidance manuals to learn the handling and training techniques that a therapy dog trainer needs to provide dog therapy services. After learning how to train a therapy dog through one of these organizations, request that an evaluator from the therapy dog organization come and conduct an evaluation of the dog. If the dog's temperament and training matches the expectations of the therapy dog organization, the organization will recognize the dog for pet therapy. Each organization will send the dogs that it registers to institutions, which contact it to request therapy dogs.

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      Complete an online training course for therapy dogs. Individuals who wish to train as a therapy dog trainer may access these courses at their leisure after registering with the institution which offers the course.

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      Inquire at a local community center, community college or other institute of higher learning to see if they offer classes to become a therapy dog trainer. Many communities have therapy dog training classes in the community to teach interested individuals to become a therapy dog trainer.