How to Potty Train an English Cocker Spaniel Indoors

English cocker spaniels are affectionate, lovable dogs that are highly loyal to their families, The kind temperament and beautiful appearance of the cocker spaniel have made these dogs popular house pets. The dogs are not known for their intelligence, though, and house training can be a challenge. Train your cocker spaniel to go to the bathroom outside or in specific areas to try to alleviate accidents.

Things You'll Need

  • Puppy pads
  • Leash
  • Collar
  • Treats
  • Crate
  • Blankets
  • Toys
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    • 1

      Start house training your cocker at an early age. Keep the puppy in its crate, with toys and blankets, whenever you are unable to supervise it. This will allow you to control its time inside and prevent it from going to the bathroom in unapproved areas.

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      Take the cocker outside as soon as you take it out of the crate or right after it eats or wakes up. If you don't have close access to the outdoors, set up a "bathroom" area with puppy pads, and take the cocker spaniel to this area. The pads are scented to encourage dogs to go to the bathroom there.

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      Stay outside or in the designated bathroom area until your cocker has relieved itself. Congratulate the puppy with praise and treats as soon as it has done its business.

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      Continue with this process until your puppy has learned to go to the right spot or ask to go outside. Until the puppy asks, take it outside once an hour. Always put the pup back in its crate when you can't supervise it.