How to Train a Shih Tzu Puppy to Sit

Teaching the "sit" command to a shih tzu puppy is sometimes like herding cats---difficult, funny and pointless---at least for the first few times. Most puppies are like constantly moving, fluffy balls of energy and commanding their attention long enough to stay still is often a difficult task. However, knowing the "sit" command is typically the most important trick a puppy knows and teaching your shih tzu puppy to do so is extremely beneficial. With large amounts of both patience and persistence, it is possible to teach your bouncy shih tzu puppy to stop, sit and stay awhile.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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    • 1

      Obtain a treat and hold it in your hand. Use a special treat that your shih tzu puppy especially likes, such as lunch meat or something else equally exquisite. Only give the pup the special treat during your training sessions, as the puppy will start to learn that it receives this yummy bit when it obeys your sit command. Because of the small size of your shih tzu puppy, be sure that the piece is small, so that the pooch doesn't choke.

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      Hold your hand to the shih tzu puppy's muzzle and allow the puppy to sniff it. Do not let it sniff too long, as it will likely start licking or even biting your hand and will possibly become too hyper and excited to pay attention to what is being asked.

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      Raise your hand above the shih tzu puppy's head and say "sit." As your puppy follows your hand, it will likely sit down on its bottom. If the puppy jumps up to get the treat, push it down and try again---this time, don't hold the treat so high in the air. If the puppy does not want to sit, use your hand to push its bottom down on the floor, while saying "sit."

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      Give your shih tzu puppy the treat, along with lots of praise when it completes the task. Rewarding your shih tzu puppy's actions will teach it that when it does what you ask, there is a prize involved, which will entice the puppy to obey.

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      Practice the technique a few times a day, using the same methods. Shih tzu puppies are very bright and it likely will not take too much time to learn this trick. However, all puppies are different and learn things on their own time.