Dog Tricks for Chihuahua Puppies

Chihuahuas are strong-willed dogs who require some obedience training to make them pleasant members of your home. They are also intelligent, however, and since you have to teach them obedience, why not throw in a few tricks just for fun?
  1. Catch

    • This is a simple trick for any puppy to learn, even your tiny Chihuahua. Since your puppy has already undergone some obedience training, he should know the "sit-stay" command. Give him the "sit-stay" command, then toss one of his small (and preferably favorite) toys in his general direction. Make sure not to toss the toy into the air, just aim it so that the toy is easy for your puppy to catch in his mouth. He will be naturally inclined to catch his toy. Praise him and reward him with a treat when he does. Repeat this process several times daily until your puppy understands and can perform this trick.

    Roll Over

    • Since Chihuahua puppies are so exciteable and wiggly by nature, this trick is a simple one to teach. Play with your puppy and get her excited and ready for fun. Then, give the command "roll over" as you use your hand to (gently) roll your puppy over. Repeat this several times. Your puppy should begin to understand and try it on her own when you give the command. When she rolls over on her own on command, be sure to praise her and reward her with a treat every time to reinforce the behavior she has learned.

    Which Hand?

    • This is the easiest of all the tricks to learn, mainly because there isn't much to learn--your puppy will be able to perform this trick right away. Have your dog sit in front of you, and pick up a handful of treats in your hand. Make sure that the treats are completely covered by your fist. Then, hold both of your hands out in front of your puppy. Ask your puppy,"Which hand?" Your puppy will be able to choose the proper hand just by the smell of the treats. This cute and simple trick will entertain your friends, you and your puppy for years to come.