Things You'll Need
- Leash
- Dog toy
Put your dog on a long leash. Praise it for cooperating to set the tone for the training session.
Command the dog to "sit," then "stay." Toss the toy a few feet away.
Tell the dog to "fetch" the toy, using a friendly, but commanding tone. Your dog will probably run after the toy. If not, take your dog to the toy and try again and again until it gets the idea. Praise it each time it goes after the toy and picks it up.
Command the dog to "come," once it has picked up the toy. You can use the leash to gently pull it toward you if it does not respond. Praise the dog when it arrives at your feet.
Command the dog to "release," "drop," or "give" you the toy. Choose a one-word command and use it consistently. It may help if you command the dog to sit first, if it doesn't drop the toy immediately. Praise your dog as soon as it obeys your command to give up the toy.
Repeat steps two through five multiple times. It usually doesn't take long for a dog to learn to bring a toy back to you as long as you remain, calm, keep the mood fun and reinforce its obedience with praise.