Things You'll Need
- Shotgun
- Treats
- Bird call
- Dummy pheasant
Teach your dog the "stop" command. This will be very important because your dog will be very excited during your first hunting excursion and will need to know you are the boss. With a stern voice, place your hand, palm out, on the dog and tell him to "stop."
Give your dog a treat if he stops. If not, tell him the command once again and keep trying until he does respond favorably.
Help your dog become used to the sound of gunfire. If you do not perform this step, the dog will become frightened when it hears the first shot go off. Shoot the gun in the air several yards away from the dog and gradually move closer as the dog becomes less stressed by the noise.
Throw a dummy pheasant out at the dog and say the command "retrieve." The dog's natural hunting instincts should kick in, and he will eventually go after the dummy and bring it back.
Give your dog a treat once he successfully follows the "retrieve" command.
Make other noises your dog may be distracted by in the field so he does not lose focus. These distractions could include the sound of a bird call.