How to Train English Mastiff Puppies

Known as the world's heaviest breed, the English mastiff has a gentle temperament but needs training early on when it is smaller and easier to handle for the average dog owner. You would need about 40 Yorkshire terriers to equal a mastiff in weight. Given how large these dogs get---180 to 220 pounds---training your mastiff to heel at your side on walks will preserve harmony while you're out and keep you both safe.

Things You'll Need

  • Clicker
  • Treats
  • Leash
  • Bait bag
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    • 1

      Start your training practice in a quiet place. Have your clicker in your right hand, treats in your bait bag (a nylon bag that holds treats while you train) attached to your waistband on your right and the dog standing at your left side. Clip the leash to your mastiff's collar. Tie the leash to your waist so that you don't pull or yank its collar. Coax your mastiff to your left side with a pat or its name. Click the clicker and feed a small treat when the dog comes to your left side.

    • 2

      Step forward with your left foot. Coax your dog to walk with you by dangling a treat just outside of its reach or by tapping your thigh. If your mastiff takes a step with you, click and treat. Stand still while you treat so that you don't create confusion.

    • 3

      Take three steps as you encourage your mastiff to walk with you. If she walks with you, click and reward for each step. Your dog will begin to get the hang of this. As your dog stays more reliably with you during those first few steps, delay clicking and rewarding. Now take three steps before clicking, then four, then five. The leash should always be slack. If your dog pulls ahead, stop. Don't move forward or give it any attention until your mastiff takes its place on your left side.

    • 4

      Pick up the pace. Try going faster and slower and stop completely. Your dog should stay with you at various speeds. Don't scold your mastiff if it moves away. Stop in your tracks and ignore it. Be patient. If your dog's attention is completely lost after several minutes of training, which is typical for puppies, end the training and go back to it later; your dog learns faster this way and you'll get further in the training each time.