How to Train Dogs for Stranger Aggression

Dogs may be man's best friend, as long as the man isn't a stranger. Many breeds of dogs, especially herding types, are particularly prone to over aggressive behavior when they come in contact with strangers. It can be frustrating on the owner's part having to control their pets and protect others while in public, but with enough proper training and a reasonable adjustment period, many stranger aggressive dogs eventually lose the attitude and turn into docile animals when meeting strangers.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog treats
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    • 1

      Prevent any unsupervised contact with strangers by accompanying new visitors into your home, effectively showing the dog that you (as "pack leader") find this acceptable. When the person(s) enter your home, have your dog sit as you greet guests at the door, then reward the dog is it obeys the command.

    • 2

      Give the command to sit and stay as you stand near a somewhat fear-inducing individual at a safe distance. Gradually have the person move closer to the animal as you stand to the side, giving the dog a look at the person and your relaxed manner around them. Again, if obeyed, treat the dog.

    • 3

      Walk the dog around that person a few times and have the person ignore the dog at first, then say the dog's name calmly. Give the person a dog treat and have them drop the treat in the dog's path as the dog is walked around them.

    • 4

      Have the person hand the dog a treat while standing at an angle and without looking the dog in the eyes (the dog perceives this as a direct challenge). As the exercise progresses, have the person hand the dog a treat while looking at them and then offer their hand to gauge if the dog accepts petting.