Jumping Through a Hoop
A hula hoop would be easy for your dog to jump through. Allow your dog time to get used to being around the hoop. Have someone hold the hoop in front of your dog, but make sure they do not elevate it. Lure your dog through the hoop and reward him with a treat once he walks through it. Repeat this and hold the hoop higher. Remember to reward him each time. Say "leap" while holding the hoop to get your dog used to the command.
Hide and Seek
Play hide-and-seek with the family dog. Dogs are great at hide and seek because of their acute sense of smell. Start off by telling your dog to stay. Hide somewhere while he is watching you. Call him out to come find you. When he does, reward him with a treat and affection. Hide in increasingly difficult places and tell your dog to go find you. If he has trouble finding you, guide him with your voice.
"Give Me a Kiss"
Teach your dog to kiss your children. Place your face close to your dog's head and say, "Give me a kiss." If your dog licks you, reward him with a treat and affection. If your dog does not react when you put your face close to his head and say the command, smear a little bit of peanut butter on your face. Repeat the command and praise him when he obeys.
Closing the Door
This trick can prove to be beneficial to you. Smear some peanut butter close to the handle of the door. Say, "Close the door," to your dog. When your dog goes to the door to eat the treat, reward him and give him another small treat. Repeat this several times. After several times of repeating this, lightly nudge his nose against the door the next time he approaches the treat so that the door starts to close. Remember each time to say, "Close the door." Repeat the process several times, rewarding your dog each time. Finally, repeat the process and direct his head so that it completely closes the door. Soon, your dog will close the door on command.
Fun Tricks to Teach Your Dog
Teaching tricks to your dog can help it learn obedience, good manners and allow the two of you to bond. Using a lot of praise and small treats as rewards can make learning fun for your dog. Take a few minutes each day to teach your dog, and always remember to be patient: Learning a new trick may take a few tries before he catches on.