How to Train a Border Collie Puppy Not to Misbehave

Border collies are said to be one of the most intelligent breeds of dogs. These beautiful purebreds are instinctual herders, so if you do not correct this behavior, they try to become the "leader" of the pack. With consistent daily training, starting the first day you bring a border collie puppy home, you can teach your pup not to misbehave and become a well-mannered dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog crate
  • Toys
  • Sturdy leash and collar
  • Puppy treats
  • Rawhide bones
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      Purchase a dog crate that gives your border collie enough room to lie down and turn around in. If the crate is any bigger, your dog might have trouble learning to go potty outside but if it is just big enough, your dog will learn very quickly not to misbehave and go potty in its "den."

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      Establish your dominance to show your puppy that misbehaving is not acceptable. Use a collar and sturdy dog leash to tie your puppy down, either to your waist or to a heavy piece of furniture in the room, to give it a "time-out" when it misbehaves. If your dog knows that the humans are in charge, it will obey commands more readily when you tell it to stop.

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      Use withdrawal techniques when your border collie puppy misbehaves to show it you are not happy. If it should happen to nip you, yelp loudly. Border collies, even puppies, have strong herding instincts and may chase and nip at anything that moves. Stop playing or turn away from the puppy while crossing your arms and lower the tone of your voice to a growl, while saying "No."

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      Provide chew toys or rawhide bones. All dogs, but especially teething puppies, need something to chew. Since a border collie puppy may have a nipping problem, distracting it with a chew toy or bone from nipping your hands and feet early on will save you months of effort later.

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      Praise good behavior with a lot of affection and puppy treats so your border collie puppy associates being good with treats and praise and misbehaving with time-outs and withdrawal.

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      Socialize your border collie puppy with other dogs and all types of people so it knows not to misbehave in dog and human society. Being around other dogs regularly will teach your border collie puppy good dog manners and being around children, adults and senior citizens will teach your puppy how to treat all kinds of humans properly.