Things You'll Need
- Ruff Wear Approach Pack
- Dog
Find the two straps located at the top of the Approach Pack.
Place the center hole, create by the straps over the dog's head.
Place the dog's right arm through the hole next to the strap that went around the dog's neck. The saddle bags should now be hanging over each of the dog's sides.
Locate the unclasped straps on the dog's left side. One hangs off of the collar strap and the other straps hang off the left saddlebag.
Clasp those two straps together under the dog's left arm.
Locate the two unclasped straps that hang off the left and right backside of the pack.
Clasp those straps together under the dog's lower abdomen, right above the groin area.
Adjust the straps as needed.