Things You'll Need
- Coonhound
- Grouse feathers
- Dog whistle
Start Early
Start training your hound as a puppy. An optimal age to begin training is 12 weeks. Ruffed Grouse are among the most difficult birds to hunt so you have to begin early.
Familiarize your Coonhound with the grouse scent. Attaching grouse feathers or scent to a "drag" is the best way to do this. A drag can be anything you are able to attach feathers to or spray with a scent. A retrieving dummy can be purchased in a store or you can use something as a simple as an old rag.
Allow your puppy to play with the drag and reward the dog for showing interest. Put the drag away while your Coonhound is still showing interest to prevent your dog from getting bored. Continue this process for two to three weeks.
Mark your yard with the grouse scent and hide the drag at the end of the scent trail.
Command and Reward
Place your Coonhound at the point where you began dragging the scent. Reward them for interest in the scent. Encourage the dog with a specific command such as "Go find the grouse" as they hunt the scent.
Reward your dog by allowing it to play with the drag when they find it. Remember to put away the drag while it continues to hold your hound's interest.
Continue to train your Coonhound for about 10 minutes per day for a few weeks.
Introduce whistle training once the dog can easily track the grouse scent. Whistle training teaches your dog to respond to the sound of a whistle. This is of special importance in grouse hunting because the human voice can disturb the birds but they are not bothered by the dog whistle.
Repeat grouse tracking with the drag, using the whistle to command your Coonhound. After several months of this training, your pup should be ready to begin hunting grouse alongside you.